Amanda Champion
Assistant Lab Director
& Project Statistical Consult
Amanda graduated from the Bachelor of Arts in Psychology Honours program at Kwantlen Polytechnic University (with distinction) in 2014. She showcased her honours thesis, Investigating the Differences between Sexters and Non-Sexters on Attitudes, Subjective Norms, & Risky Sexual Behaviours at the Association for Psychological Science Convention in San Francisco in May of 2014 and was the recipient of the 2014 Canadian Psychological Association certificate of Academic Excellence.
Amanda’s research interests in the human sexuality field include examining the impact of technologically-facilitated violence and gender-harassment on downstream outcomes for victims, as well as gender terrorist subcultures.
In her spare time, Amanda enjoys attending boot camp classes, wine tastings and going on adventurous hiking trips. She is currently completing her PhD in criminology at Simon Fraser University on a full entrance scholarship and is a Faculty member in the Department of Psychology at KPU.